Celebrate Presidents’ Day (and Washington’s Birthday) with this fun and educational Bingo game.
When I was growing up I loved all the holidays we observed, and by observed I mean didn’t have to go to school. I don’t know if it’s the same everywhere else in the country but here in Utah it seems like kids have fewer and fewer 5 day school weeks. I vaguely remember it being the same when I was younger, but I think more prep days and days off have been added since then. I’m all for having an extra day for sleeping in but I think if we are having days off from school we should know why we have the day off and be able to learn a little something about it too.
Next Monday is Presidents’ Day (a.k.a. Washington’s Birthday) and I thought what better way to celebrate the leaders of our country than with a fun game of bingo?! When I was putting this together I realized how much I have forgotten and how few of our nation’s past presidents I actually remember. I know in 5th grade part of our social studies curriculum was to memorize all of the US presidents and I know that, at some point during that year, I knew them all. Not anymore. I actually had to go to wikipedia to get a list of all the presidents because I was having a hard time coming up with enough for these pieces.
You can download and print the game cards and play pieces here and we used coins as our marker pieces, but you can use whatever you have lying around. We also gave gold dollars as our prizes and talked a little bit about some of the presidents after each game. I found that whitehouse.gov had really great bios but you can also google biographies for each president.
How are you spending President’s Day?
Melissa says
This is really cool! We won’t use it on president’s day but we will use it next year when we do our homeschool segment on American Presidents. I love teaching using games and fun! Pinned to my homeschool board so I remember.
Sydney says
Thanks Melissa! And that is a great idea!! I would love to hear more of your homeschooling ideas and what you do with your kids.
Deborah from Mommy Crusader says
This is a great idea and something we will be doing. Thanks for taking the time to get the info gathered. I think talking about the holidays we observe helps make them more real to our kids. Thanks so much for this resource. 🙂 Pinning and sharing.
Liz says
What a fun way to celebrate President’s Day! And I love Bingo, because someone is always a winner!